Saturday 7 September 2013

Day 54/55 - A lot of nothing!

These last two days have been difficult. First of all it's super HOT!!! It's the kind of hot that I know from Toronto, the kind that's like a sauna and makes you break a horrible sweat even while sitting. Secondly the route is set along mostly roads with the cement giving off even more heat and absolutely no shade to hide my boiling body from the sun. 

Since I'm still walking along mostly rice and corn fields mosquitos are consistently attacking me - though I've sprayed myself with repellant from head to toe. To top it all off, after almost two months of good service my insoles have decided to fall apart, giving me one last humongous blister before I threw them away and invested in a new pair at the local pharmacy. 

Though I'm quite tired and ready for a change of scenery I still find architectural treasures here and there which make me smile and remember how lucky I am to be on this extraordinary journey:-)

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